Meg Alexander – Artist

Meg Alexander is a Boston-based artist, a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Her work is in many private collections and has been exhibited at Drive-by Projects (Watertown, MA), Gallery Kayafas (Boston), Allston Skirt Gallery (Boston),
OH + T Gallery (Boston), Howard Yezerski Gallery (Boston), and at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

She is the recipient of multiple Massachusetts Cultural Council grants, as well as an Alumni/ae Traveling Scholarship from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

“Always based in drawing, each body of work begins with a personal point of connection–an encounter, a coincidence, an object, an experience.  The slow act of drawing is a way for me to spend extensive time with a subject. The ideas for my work come from within a mile radius of home–simply noticing what’s at hand: a flower in bloom, a tree, fog.

My drawings require time to create; each stroke is a moment of seeing that has specific information encoded in it. The accumulation of singular marks amassed in a particular order echoes a physical reality and inevitably creates a new social, physical, and psychological reality. Looking is important. Getting lost in looking is important. Losing time in looking is important. The subject is looking. The subject is time. Time encoded in drawings is found time. New time. Time out of time. Distilled into art, it exists apart and is its own reality.”

Meg Alexander



152 Brick Building Upstairs

Unit Location

Unit 4